During dinner I was asked, "So what makes your eyes sparkle with wide-eyed passion?" I totally fumbled my answer to that one. I could easily answer this a couple months ago, right? I wanted to give an honest answer but in the moment I didn't know how to respond. That really surprised me. Yes there's, Ashtanga, AcroYoga, Jivamukti, the Mathematician and the Artist, the Cru, the Attorneys I work for, others, and shoes - but what about me?
Towards the end of dinner, I couldn't help but overhear the conversation at a nearby table. Two men were discussing various firms. Initially I paid no mind until the older of the two mentioned HOK, which I immediately recognized as one of those monolithic Architectural Firms with 18 domestic offices and 37 internationally. My interest in their conversation heightened and I resituated myself so I could eavesdrop with greater ease. (I think the older of the two found some humor in this as he smiled at me when I unintentionally made eye contact.) I remember looking at that firm when I was making my move to DC - I gave up my pursuit, when I realized it was what I thought I didn't want.
Sitting with a cup of lemon ginger tea and some ginger snaps tonight, I began writing out my 2, 5, and 10 year goals. (After all, we're at the half way point of 2008.) I started thinking over the conversations I've had over the past few months, blogs I've stumbled on, books I've read, and my recent dreams.
I vividly recalled a succinct conversation I had back in December. Soon thereafter, walking to yoga after work, I would notice the numerous boutique and medium sized Architecture firms surrounding my office. While in London for AcroYoga, I went to only one museum, Somerset House, with the express purpose of seeing their exhibition Skin and Bones (on fashion and architecture - I thought I would be most intrigued by the fashion but spent the majority of my time drooling over the architectural models). I recently received a mailing from the National Building Museum about their exhibition on Eero Saarinen - definitely in the top 5 of my top 10 for architects (because of 1 building).
If you create your own reality, and if reality is perception...
Is everything already present and we only choose to notice those things that are of particular interest or timeliness?
Maybe, sometimes it's necessary to throw those 3.75" heels back on...
nice shoes!
Thanks! Probably one of my fav pairs.
I so regret that I never got inside the MIT Chapel. I did show it to my kids last year -- they really were fascinated by it.
When you make it back up to MA, definitely head into Cambridge to check it out! So elegant in its simplicity and the two sculptural pieces, by Bertoia (interior/altar sculpture) and Roszak (bell tower) work so well with the form.
If it's any consolation, I have yet to be back to Wellesley check out Scoggin & Elam's student center. I do have a copy of the Architectural Record featuring it...somewhere. Nor have I seen a work by Calatrava up close and personal. Two things of which I know you have seen. :)
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