Friday, July 25, 2008

One Year Markers; B-lated One Year Asana Practice Anniversary

I was all excited because, I *thought* today was my one year anniversary of attending my first-ever-yoga-class. However as I looked back at my blog during lunch (which I began the same day as my asana practice) apparently I missed it by a day.

It was yesterday!
I forgot my own anniversary!

So far to date (not including this morning's practice) I have attended:
193 classes in a studio/shala setting.
Which translates to attending classes for 53% of my first year.

This number does not include the various workshops spanning AcroYoga to Jivamukti to Baptiste to Forrest Yoga and Nada and Kirtan. Nor does it include the 4-day AcroYoga intensive in London.

Translated to hours on a yoga mat (hym), I'm estimating, approximately: 335.75 hym.
I think that's a respectable number. Not a small amount of asana.
But not wildly crazy for a first year.

I'm not including the hours reading about Yoga Philosophy/Techniques or watching demos on YouTube or general asana "play." There are some things that are hard to quantify, especially when the practice of Yoga, in a traditional sense, is an 8 limbed path.

I will also spare you the calculation of that amount of $$$ I have spent on classes/worshops out of my own general fear of seeing that number in print outside of the safety of my budget. Also, I would rather not open the can of worms that is the amount of business I have single handedly provided Lululemon,, YogiToes, BePresent, and Manduka on yoga related "stuff."

Here's to the start of the beginning of my second year!

Aside: Lawyers log their lives in 6 minute increments - m
aybe I should be applying some of this logging logic to drawing/painting and other artistic pursuits...


alfia said...

Hi, Portside:

Congratulations, Happy anniversary!
You know what is weird? Today is my one-year anniversary since I started Mysore practice. You reminded me! :)

Lee Istrail said...

Lawyers always read the fine print, and I like the "Aside." And all I've got to say about that is, "I keep a close watch on these hours of mine. . .These hours are mine / I bill my time."