Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Two Years...

320 Mysore Style practices.

Sweet practice this morning with a free standing Tiriang Mukhottanasana.

* * *

I proclaim this upcoming year for me: the year of Lolasana.

I will get my butt off the ground.


Grimmly said...

you will you will

Portside said...

Thanks Grimmly! Even if I have to figure out quantum physics to reverse engineer the black hole that seems to be centered on my mat. Yes. Yes I will.

ShepQ said...

Happy anniversary. And best wishes for a smooth takeoff (and landing).

Allison said...

Wow, I'm in awe of the fact that you keep a practice diary and know how many times you've practiced in 2 years....

I used to be able to do lolasana, but then I somehow lost my abdominal wall. Of course, I never even tried to do it as a vinyasa transition. Try the phone book trick - prop your hands on two phonebooks, and tear out a page every day... or five.

Richard said...

Happy anniversary! It's a pleasure to have you ahead of me (and a little to the left).

Portside said...

@ ShepQ (aka Aikidōka)Thanks! :)

@ Allison. When I started practicing yoga in 06/07 I started counting classes. Was a way for me to track and keep me disciplined about going. Figured I'd do the same thing for Ashtanga. (Yes, I have data entered into excel spreadsheets.)

Funny when the body does that to you. I'm assuming that on the phonebook trick, you have to be able to lift up before you start removing pages. Correct?

@ Richard. Thank you! Always nice to practice near you and see a friendly face in the morning, even when being chased by a T-Rex. ;)

Allison said...

Portside - yeah, you have to lift up before tearing out the pages. But it's much easier to do with blocks/books under your hands, because you don't have to keep your hips and legs as lifted in relation to your pelvis to get them off the ground.