Monday, October 18, 2010

615/324: Sentience.

Left off counting at 608/323 with Ashtanga; 614 for Iyengar 5ish months ago.

Sure I've taken classes since then - primarily Iyengar based (when I actually managed to make it there), some Bikram of late (when weekends permitted), some (semblance of passing thought of) practice on my own. In these 5ish months time there was a move and other bits and pieces of life and health stuff in there as well as some manifest time exploring options of existence.

Everything you do effects everything.

The initial idea in my mind was that I was done with Ashtanga.
My friends who practice Iyengar were shocked.

I started thinking...
...and decided that I would reevaluate my decision at the end of a year.

Well, it's been 5ish months.

I sunk into a yogasana-funk.
The funk was completely cured by Friday night pizza with my good friend from middle/high school - Tattoo'd Daisy and her friend Tea Blossom.

They got me on the subject of yoga and I couldn't stop talking or thinking about it.

I walked back into AYC this morning, with a little bit of trepidation and given the 5ish months of sporadic to non-existent practice:
  1. I was surprised by the fact that I remembered the sequence, I admit, it's a little rusty - but not bad since I had banished Ashtanga from my existence and this morning somehow I made it through some semblance of a decent complete primary;
  2. It was wonderful to see the familiar faces and some new ones;
  3. D easily (almost too easily) slid me into supta kurmasana - I'm waiting for the honeymoon to be over on this one; and
  4. Have been given yet one more sirsasana and strengthening technique, this one direct from runway (shala) of Paris.

More than anything, I have a new found respect for what is done in shalas and in homes on a morning basis.


Claudia said...

Wow, what a story!, I guess welcome back? !

Portside said...


Thanks for visiting! And yes, it is a welcome back and feels so good. For as tired and as sore as I am, right now, it feels so good.