Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Everything in 3s

  1. 5:25 am. Leave apartment for practice, get to car, notice back passenger side window smashed in. File police report.
    No practice.

  2. 6:47 am. Go to file claim on-line. IBM Thinkpad suffers "fatal error." Go to restart computer. Computer will not start after "restarting."

  3. 8:03 am. Begin walk down Connecticut Ave to metro. At the corner of Albermarle and Connecticut, metro pass slips from iPod case and a gust of wind blows it and it's $97 down the storm drain. Literally and figuratively a sunk cost.

Yes, it's Tuesday.


Elizabeth said...

If you get your metro card through work, your HR team can cancel the card and issue you a new one with the same amount of money on it.(Come to think of it, you can probably do it yourself if you buy your own cards.) I've lost mine plenty of times and this always works out.

Elisa DelBonis said...

Oy vey. That's when it's time to turn around and go back to bed.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Sophisticate - certainly know about that. It was my spare card which isn't linked with my office's metro benefit - so it still remains poetically correct. And have absolutely no clue what the serial number was on it.

Yes Elisa. I should have probably gone back to bed - but I figured what else could go wrong? :)

Lee Istrail said...

Ouch! This means you are poised to have a good week this week to counteract. Let's see if I'm right.