Thursday, December 2, 2010

#reverb10: Day 02 -- Writing.

Prompt: Writing. What do you do each day that doesn't contribute to your writing -- and can you eliminate it?

Response: I must admit I'm a bit stuck on this one and find it a bit, um, how shall I put it gently - solipsistic. 

Every bit of existence somehow feeds into another. Sure my existence could be streamlined. But a gal's gotta put in her time for "The Man" to feed first and foremost her yoga habit (shoe/art/cooking habits following close behind) which provides fodder for the keyboard.

Without experience what is there to write about?  
Truth is almost always stranger than fiction and upon reflection, many of us have have lived extraordinary lives filled with adventure. The key is recognizing the adventure within a "normal" existence. Only boring people get bored.

Now I wonder if I could give up sleeping.

Nope that's all too necessary for recuperation from a yoga practice.

OOH! I have come up with something I can do without. Facebook.
I still don't get the hype and self promotion (yes, yes, blogging is right up there with facebooking/twitting but there is certainly a distinction) and why and how people can put so much time into it, then throw in all of the various changes in etiquette that have resulted. Sure I'm in touch with people I probably would have not been otherwise - but who's to say our paths wouldn't have crossed otherwise. (Ok, maybe I might not have come across my 7th grade boyfriend - who I learned is now a Latin ballroom dance instructor - again without the mystical powers of Facebook.)

That all being said, can I eliminate it? Sure. 
Would I probably miss some things that I should know? Yes.
But then I think of it like declaring email bankruptcy after a two week vacation.

If it's important, it will find a way to make itself known. 
steps off soap box

*  *  *

Last night's yoga class brought to you by: Bikram Takoma Park.

At least with these crazy work hours I've been able to get into a class.  I'm starting to wonder if my growing affinity towards Bikram has to do with the ease of availability. And I have also had these wild flutterings of temptation to do one of those crazy 30-day challenges.


Amy said...

I decided to page through the list of Reverb10 participants and click on the first one whose blog title struck my fancy.

Which was yours. Imagine my surprise to discover a fellow DC lawyer/yoga afficiando? :)

I enjoyed your posts. Happy reflecting!

Portside said...

Thanks for stopping by Scarlet. :) Where do you practice yoga in DC?

Good luck with the #reverb10 project! Look forward to reading your posts.

Amy said...

So far, I mostly practice at my gym (Balance Thomas Circle). They have a few instructors I really like, although I miss the focus of practicing in a studio. I've gone to Yoga District a few times, and I used to go to St. Marks Yoga on the Hill.

Where are your favorites?